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Shop Cannabis Brands

Blazy Susan

Blazy was Born

One day, while sitting on his couch looking at his cluttered coffee table, Will Breakell had an epiphany; thus, the original Blazy Susan was born. A few short years later, and here they are! The company has grown to reach all over the world, and is revered by our extremely supportive community of customers and fans.

Giving Back

Blazy Susan wouldn’t exist without YOU, so they take pride in giving back to the amazing community. As a brand, they stand for equality and empowerment. They know that the community and industry they are a part of is often unfairly judged and criticized, as are its members. They hope to be a glowing example of how to operate and lead the way in this uncharted territory.

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Using an unparalleled proprietary method to extract the purest, most potent traits while eliminating any unwanted additives. Because only when superior plants, superior talents, and superior techniques come together, can purefection truly happen.

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